How to Convert Laptop LCD Into Desktop Monitor

I know that somewhere in your house you have an old, broken laptop that you hardly use. It’s possible some parts are still fully functional, even though you may consider this machine useless. What’s wrong with using your laptop as a second monitor if its screen works fine?

It is still very expensive to buy a good monitor! Just putting a hole in your budget is bad enough! If you use the old laptop screen from your laptop, you will not only save yourself some money, but you will also support conservation efforts by recycling the old screen instead of simply throwing it away. The Windows desktop can also be extended with a second screen. Having multiple programs open at the same time means you can work more efficiently.

Method For Convert Laptop LCD to Desktop Monitor

Method For Convert Laptop LCD to Desktop Monitor

HDMI-in Port?

An HDMI or Display port connection between your laptop and PC is the easiest way to do so. In spite of this, 99% of the laptops out there don’t have HDMI inputs! HDMI out is a technology for transmitting your laptop’s screen to a monitor or TV on an external device. You can plug it into your laptop’s HDMI port if it has one, this is a simple plug-and-play solution.

It is possible to connect your computer to a desktop via a cable even without having an HDMI-in port. A capture card would have to be purchased. The only downside is the high price and the limited functionality they offer.

Using a Software Solution

Using Windows 10 with both devices and Miracast, you can use a laptop with Windows 10 as a second screen even without an HDMI input. Using wireless adapters from Microsoft, for example, can also be used to control the television (although this is an optional step, you do not need to buy this if you just want to hook up your laptop to your desktop machine).

One of the most commonly used programs is MaxiVista. It is imperative that the laptop is connected to the desktop via the internet after the desktop PC has been installed with this software. Software that runs automatically at startup must be configured on the laptop if it is going to be used exclusively as a monitor. You will need to connect the screen of your desktop to its graphics card to install this program. In addition to having an easy installation process, a software solution is a great option for those not familiar with using their laptops as monitors.

Connect the laptop via the network to the PC as a monitor

Connect the laptop via the network to the PC as a monitor

A network connection also allows you to access files on the PC from the laptop. The user must have good knowledge of networking in order to do this.

Using a router with DHCP service will allow you to connect your laptop to your PC most effectively. A router is connected to both the desktop PC and laptop in order for this to work. Both devices are then opened to the DOS prompt. You will see an input window in which you can type “ipconfig” in. The laptop’s and PC’s numbers should be the same except for the IP address, so they can communicate with each other.

Use the command prompt to determine if the two computers can communicate by typing “ping [DNS number of the other PC].” Upon receiving a response, you can be sure that the computer is connected correctly. You should now release only the files and folders you wish. By entering the DNS number in the address bar of Internet Explorer, you will be able to access the files. This project would benefit greatly from the use of the DynDNS client.

Computers and Laptops can be accessed remotely

Furthermore, the Internet offers a simple way to use the laptop as a screen other than software. Your laptop can be accessed remotely via remote access. A remote access solution for work computers at home is what this solution is for.

It will only take a few minutes to install the software. VNC, PC Anywhere, and TeamViewer are the most popular solutions available for this purpose. There are also many free versions of these programs.


A laptop and a desktop computer can be connected in different ways. Laptops with HDMI ports (which are extremely rare) can be connected to your PC by simply connecting them via HDMI. However, since this scenario is unlikely, the article describes ways to deal with it. In my opinion, the software solution is the better choice. I find that to be the most convenient method.

Furthermore, you won’t really be able to connect your laptop to your desktop when using remote access. The remote access option is available for both computers. Therefore, you will not have two screens this way, nevertheless, it is still useful if you want to access them when away from your computer.

I think that’s all I have to say. Interested parties are welcome to contact me by using this website’s contact form with questions or comments!
